I’m New!
Visitors are welcome. Before you arrive, let us answer a few questions that will make your visit a little easier.
What are the Worship Times?
The 8:00 am service is a liturgical service found in the current Lutheran Service Book hymnal.
The 10:30 am service follows the “The Divine Service” while using a more contemporary style.
Please join us in the Narthex after service for fellowship, coffee and a snack.
Where Should I Park?
Parking for visitors is available in our main parking lot right off of Gay Street. There is a sign, “Trinity Lutheran Church,” at one entrance to the parking lot. On Sundays, all of the spaces are reserved for Trinity Lutheran Church. During the week, spaces marked “Church Permit Parking Only” are reserved for members and visitors. A visitor parking permit or permanent parking decal is available if you wish to attend mid-week functions. Please stop by the Church Office for a visitor’s permit or permanent parking decal.
What Should I Wear?
When you enter a worship service at Trinity, you will notice the diversity in what people wear. There is no dress code; wear something in which you can be “you.”
What is Communion All About and Do I Participate?
Those who believe the following statement to be true are most welcome to receive the sacrament: “All are welcome to the Lord’s table who sincerely repent of their sins and believe that through Christ, God forgives them. In this meal receive from God life and salvation and the very body and blood of our Lord. Through the Holy Spirit we are united and connected as one people of faith throughout time.”
What About Child Care?
Trinity has a staffed nursery available for all of our Sunday morning services. Ask any of the greeters or ushers to help you find the nursery. Parents are welcome to stay with their children in the nursery.
Do You Have Educational Classes?
We have a Sunday School program for children – preschool through high school – as well as adult classes on Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m.